GSV 2025 Spring Retreat Post 1

2025 Spring Retreat

Convergence: The Journey of Love, Sex, and Intimacy

May 9 – 11, 2025

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Highlands, NC

3 Day/2 Night Package (Friday through Sunday)

Bunk House (shared room up to 4 people): $210 + 6.75% tax

Lodge or Duplex Cabin (double occupancy): $250 + 6.75% tax

Single Occupancy (private room): $390 + 6.75% tax

For All Rooms Add Required GSV Program Fee: $35.00

For optional extra night before (Thursday) and/or after (Sunday) see “Add On” options when registering. No meals are provided.

Register Now!

Dear Siblings,

Please join me for Gay Spirit Visions’ Spring Retreat gathering, Convergence: The Journey of Love, Sex, and Intimacy, on May 9 – 11, 2025, at The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center.

As we age and our bodies shift, the maps that once guided us to friends and love need redrawing. The paths we take, the places we seek, and the destinations we desire all evolve, sometimes subtly, sometimes in surprising ways. Our mental, spiritual, and physical needs intertwine, forming delicate connections that invite us to question, search, and grow.

For men who love men, these intersections of intimacy, love, and sexuality offer a profound space for exploration. How do these layers of our identity and desire shape us, and how do they reshape themselves as we move through life? What does it mean to have a healthy relationship with our bodies and the needs that pulse within us?

In this dance between pleasure and spirituality, we are called to navigate our desires with honesty. Hedonism tempts us to savor the beauty of now, while spirituality whispers of something more profound, timeless, and transcendent. In that tender, transformative space, somewhere between these lies the magic that lets love expand, bending across time, and grow within us.

In exploring these mysteries, we may find a way to honor every part of who we are–our vulnerability, strength, and our longing for connection. The journey invites us to listen closely, to reach out, and to embrace the beauty in every phase of our lives.

Perhaps it is here, in the mystery of these intersections, that we find what we need most: a love that honors the fullness of who we are in all our complexity, vulnerability, and strength.

Call for Workshops

Let’s Create Something Special Together!

If you’re interested in leading a workshop, discussion group, or activity for the Spring Retreat, I’d love to hear from you! With this year’s theme, Convergence: The Journey of Love, Sex, and Intimacy, there’s so much we can explore together.

These are just starting points–I’m open to anything that complements the theme. The goal is to keep these sessions interactive and participatory rather than lecture-style. Let’s create space for real conversations and meaningful moments.

I can’t promise to accept every submission, but I’ll do my best to include a variety of perspectives. If you’re interested, email me your idea at [email protected], and let’s chat!

I look forward to seeing what we can create together.

Financial Assistance

Financial assistance, in the form of scholarships, is available. The financial assistance application submission deadline is April 30, 2025, 5 p.m. ET. Our hope is that anyone who resonates with our mission and community, and who has the desire to attend, can join us at our gatherings. To that end, we offer financial assistance through the Raven Wolfdancer Financial Assistance Fund. Please go to the Financial Assistance page on the Gay Spirit Visions website for more information about financial assistance (scholarships) and for a link to the GSV financial assistance application form. Remember, the financial assistance application submission deadline is April 30, 2025, 5 p.m. ET.
Please note that GSV currently plans to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 guidelines in effect at the time of the gathering.

I am so looking forward to seeing you at The Mountain for our Spring Retreat.

Wade Lee Jones

Register Now!

GSV 2025 Winter Post 3

GSV 2025 Winter Meditation Image

Seasons Change

January 17-19, 2025

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Highlands NC

3 Day/2 Night Package (Friday through Sunday)

Lodge or Duplex Cabin (double occupancy) $240.00

Single Occupancy (private room) $380.00

For All Rooms Add Required GSV Program Fee $35.00

Register Now!

Seasons Change

Please join us for Gay Spirit Visions’ Winter Meditation gathering, January 17-19, 2025, at The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center. During our time together, we will consider, meditate on, and share about two things – the seasons of earth and the metaphorical seasons of our lives – and how they both are changing. We’ll explore this theme in uncluttered, natural isolation, and mutual safety and trust. We may hope to relax defenses, gain receptivity, broaden perceptions, expand emotional access, and open to possible new steps in our personal journeys.

Earth’s seasons have been until recently remarkably stable, predictable, and entirely accommodating with our expectations and trust, affording us a sense of safety, allowing the illusion of unchangeability. The seasons imbue cycles stamped deep in our biology, seeding cultural myth and tradition. They are catalyst for action, inspiration, and muse, feeding the metaphorical seasons of our lives a chord with which to tune our personal, even our spiritual, seasons. 
Earth spools out this illusion just enough to keep us in its thrall. Earth is in truth a dynamic home that has always experienced change. Changes tiny and sometimes large creep up unexpectedly amidst earth’s familiar hum, shaking our perceptions, then fooling our nervous systems back into a sense of normalcy before advancing again, approaching ever closer to within reach of devouring our illusions. The seeming equilibrium through which all life on earth has emerged, thriven, and fallen has forever been subject to perturbations, moving us from one pseudo-equilibrium toward another one around which life gathers anew, favoring some lives and not others.

We are in the midst of significant change in earth’s climate, caused by us humans burning too much, leading to vast disruptions of biological, oceanic, and other earth cycles. Does anyone not remember what the seasons were like earlier in our lives and see, feel, and know in our bones how they have changed even in our short lifetimes? 

So rooted are we in earth’s seasons that we often experience and frame our lives through the metaphor of the seasons – the spring of youth through the winter of later life. While we often feel a sense of certainty when we’re young, this is another illusion that dawns on us as we age. No matter where we are in this progression, we come to know that our personal life seasons are no more stable than earth’s recent changing climate. In fact, living brings with it increasing uncertainty as we move through spring, summer, fall, and into winter. We float in the sea of our life experiencing little equilibriums bounced by endless ripples – sometimes waves – of perturbations, conveying us ceaselessly forward into the unknown. 

When we find earth’s climate or our personal life seasons between equilibriums, when perturbations happen, tumult ensues. It can be a chaotic time where competing forces vie toward some new set point around which a new equilibrium may form, albeit as susceptible to future change as before. The chaos places us literally between two worlds, at the threshold of a doorway to someplace new. There lies opportunity, a possibility to summon our personal, perhaps collective, self-determination. 

The gay/queer community is no stranger to changing times. In response to perturbations impacting our community many among us became agents of change. Becoming sources of perturbation, adding our stone to the scales, we moved gay culture and American culture through tumult toward new and beneficial cultural, political, even spiritual set points. Assuming a prerogative to “walk between worlds,” our community has abundantly delivered messengers, visionaries, and movers. In those changeable times and through such turns of power, Gay Spirit Visions came to be. 

Nature tends to urge its threads together. It’s a philosophical basis for much of our understanding of earth and our existence. If part of our identity – our physical, even our emotional, intellectual, and spiritual selves – is rooted in living on earth, then how could the seasons of our lives not be entwined with the seasons of earth? A way then reveals itself. ‘Who are we?’ at its core does not ask of us a static answer but points to a dynamic, fluid, and changeable thing that doesn’t push away but rides change when it comes to our life’s shore, regardless of the seasons we find ourselves living in. 

Many questions arise along these twining threads, and they will form the heart of this year’s Winter Meditation gathering. In this exploration, we will use the physical and temporal isolation of The Mountain as a means to approach, perhaps even touch on entering altered states of consciousness. An altered state of consciousness is something that can happen to any creature. It can be a moment of striking awareness, where unseen connections may reveal themselves not on an intellectual level only but through experience that crisscrosses frontiers of body, heart, and mind, blurring borders within and without. We may find ourselves in the profound, feeling beyond limits of skin, seeing beyond vision; the present moment crystalizes, earth is luminous. Words can fail, and such is the doorway offered to us beyond former experience and thought – perhaps the heart leads, offering our bodies a new step forward?

GSV gatherings have often been used for physical, spiritual, and mental journeying, and so are perfect for entering into sacred space where we may individually and collectively approach transformation. In winter, the elements narrow our attention further as life retreats into its warm holes. Winter Meditation, then, is a perfect time to invite explorations of presence, feeling, and choice.

Over eons, humans have discovered and practiced many methods to achieve altered states –occupying unfamiliar surroundings, conducting special rituals, using repetition (such as chanting over long periods), ritual partaking in taboos, and deprivation and exhaustion (such as fasting and lack of sleep).

At this Winter Meditation, we will use some of the gentler of these methods for moving toward altered states. We’ll gather in a series of three activities loosely centered on accessing the body, the heart, and the mind. For example, breathwork/meditation or sacred touch, followed by meditative gong music, and finally ritual communication in the form of sharing in pairs what comes up when prompted with a question. The series will repeat twice over the gathering, offering in succession invitations to visit:

• How do we perceive and experience the changes in the seasons of earth and in the metaphorical seasons of our lives?
• How do we feel about these changes?
• And where do we go from here?

The three cycles of this series create a spiral that invites us to relax our defenses and gradually allow more open, receptive states for whatever may come to the surface, where we may feel our way and deepen into questions focusing on the changing seasons of earth and the metaphorical seasons of our lives. Enter willing to contemplate with courage and share your thoughts, feelings, insights (luminous or dark), fears, and joys to mix in strange alchemy in the shared vessel of Gay Spirit Visions.

Financial assistance in the form of scholarships is available. Our commitment is that anyone who resonates with our mission and community, and who has the desire to attend, can join our gatherings. To that end, we offer scholarships through the Raven Wolfdancer Financial Assistance Fund. Please go to the Financial Assistance page on the Gay Spirit Visions website for more information about scholarships and for a link to the Gay Spirit Visions financial assistance application form. Please note that the financial assistance application submission deadline is Friday, January 10, 2025.
Note also that Gay Spirit Visions currently plans to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 guidelines in effect at the time of the gathering. 
Registration is now open via the Gay Spirit Visions website, so please join us. Register early so that The Mountain will know how many cabins to warm up! Private rooms are available on a limited basis. The registration deadline for our gathering is Friday, January 10, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. ET.

John Schendel  
GSV 2025 Winter Meditation Convener

Register Now!

GSV 2025 Winter Meditation Post 2

GSV 2025 Winter Meditation Image

Seasons Change

January 17-19, 2025

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Highlands NC

3 Day/2 Night Package (Friday through Sunday)

Lodge or Duplex Cabin (double occupancy) $240.00

Single Occupancy (private room) $380.00

For All Rooms Add Required GSV Program Fee $35.00

Register Now!

Seasons Change

Please join us for Gay Spirit Visions’ Winter Meditation gathering, January 17-19, 2025, at The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center. During our time together, we will consider, meditate on, and share about two things – the seasons of earth and the metaphorical seasons of our lives – and how they both are changing.

Earth’s seasons have been until recently remarkably stable, predictable, and entirely accommodating with our expectations and trust, affording us a sense of safety, allowing the illusion of unchangeability. The seasons imbue cycles stamped deep in our biology, seeding cultural myth and tradition. They are catalyst for action, inspiration, and muse, feeding the metaphorical seasons of our lives a chord with which to tune our personal, even our spiritual, seasons.

Though the earth spools out this illusion just enough to keep us in its thrall, it is a dynamic home that has always experienced change. The seeming equilibrium through which all life on earth has emerged, thriven, and fallen has forever been subject to perturbations, moving us from one pseudo-equilibrium toward another one around which life gathers anew, favoring some lives and not others.

We are in the midst of significant change in earth’s climate, caused by us humans burning too much, leading to vast disruptions of biological, oceanic, and other earth cycles. Does anyone not remember what the seasons were like earlier in our lives and see, feel, and know in our bones how they have changed during our short lifetimes?

So rooted are we in earth’s seasons that we often experience and frame our own lives through the metaphor of the seasons – the spring of youth through the winter of later life. While we often feel a sense of certainty when we’re young, this is an illusion that dawns on us as we age. No matter where we are in this progression, we soon come to know that our personal life seasons are no more stable than earth’s recent changing climate. In fact, living brings with it increasing uncertainty as we move through spring, summer, fall, and into winter. We float in the sea of our life experiencing little equilibriums bounced by endless ripples – sometimes waves – of perturbations, conveying us ceaselessly forward into the unknown.

When we find earth’s climate or our personal life seasons between equilibriums, when perturbation happens, tumult ensues. It can be a chaotic time where competing forces vie toward some new set point around which a new equilibrium may form, albeit as susceptible to future change as before. The chaos places us literally between two worlds, at the threshold of a doorway to someplace new. There lies opportunity, a possibility to summon our personal, perhaps collective, self-determination.

The gay/queer community is no stranger to changing times. In response to perturbations impacting our community many among us became agents of change. Becoming sources of perturbation, adding our stone to the scales, we moved gay culture and American culture through tumult toward new and beneficial cultural, political, even spiritual set points. Assuming a prerogative to “walk between worlds,” our community has abundantly delivered messengers, visionaries, and movers. In those changeable times and through such turns of power, Gay Spirit Visions came to be.

Nature tends to urge its threads together. It’s a philosophical basis for much of our understanding of earth and our existence. If part of our identity – our physical, even our emotional, intellectual, and spiritual selves – is rooted in living on earth, then how could the seasons of our lives not be entwined with the seasons of earth? A way then reveals itself. ‘Who are we?’ at its core does not ask of us a static answer but points to a dynamic, fluid, and changeable thing that doesn’t push away but rides change when it comes to our life’s shore, regardless of the seasons we find ourselves living in.

Many questions arise along these twining threads.

• How do I experience the changes in earth’s seasons? In my life’s seasons?
• How do I feel about the changes?
• Do I mourn the loss of what once was – the deep snow in winter that now rarely visits, the nourishing sun and warmth of summer without withering extremes, or rains and winds gentler than I now know, the wonder, energy, freedom, and opportunity of youth?
• How have my senses of safety, trust, and faith been altered?
• How are the changes changing me? Changing our GSV community?
• Is there a connection – whether troubling and difficult or energizing and inspiring, or both – between the unexpected changes occurring in the earth’s seasons and the changes in my body?
• And how might I respond through my corporeal, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual selves to earth’s and my own changing seasons?

 These questions are the heart of this year’s Winter Meditation gathering. It is an invitation to feel our way and deepen into these questions. We will offer time and space, and meditative, physical, sensory, and emotional room, for whatever may come to the surface. In the dim light of winter, amid the warmth of our lodgings, common spaces, and those of us assembled, we will create safety. Come willing to contemplate with courage and share your thoughts, feelings, insights (luminous or dark), fears, and joys to mix in strange alchemy in the shared vessel of Gay Spirit Visions.

Financial assistance in the form of scholarships is available. Our commitment is that anyone who resonates with our mission and community, and who has the desire to attend, can join our gatherings. To that end, we offer scholarships through the Raven Wolfdancer Financial Assistance Fund. Please go to the Financial Assistance page on the Gay Spirit Visions website for more information about scholarships and for a link to the Gay Spirit Visions financial assistance application form. Please note that the financial assistance application submission deadline is Friday, January 10, 2025.

Note also that Gay Spirit Visions currently plans to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 guidelines in effect at the time of the gathering.
Registration is now open via the Gay Spirit Visions website, so please join us. Register early so that The Mountain will know how many cabins to warm up! Private rooms are available on a limited basis. The registration deadline for our gathering is Friday, January 10, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.ET.

John Schendel 
GSV 2025 Winter Meditation Convener 

Register Now!

GSV 2025 Winter Meditation Post 1

GSV 2025 Winter Meditation Image

Seasons Change

January 17-19, 2025

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Highlands NC

3 Day/2 Night Package (Friday through Sunday)

Lodge or Duplex Cabin (double occupancy) $240.00

Single Occupancy (private room) $380.00

For All Rooms Add Required GSV Program Fee $35.00

Register Now!

Seasons Change

Please join me for Gay Spirit Visions’ Winter Meditation gathering, January 17-19, 2025, at The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center. During our time together, we will consider, meditate on, and share two things – the metaphorical seasons of our lives and the literal seasons of earth – and how they both are changing.

We often view, experience, and frame our lives through the metaphor of the seasons – the spring of youth through the winter of later life. No matter where we are in this progression, we soon come to know, sometimes to our wonderment and joy, often to our bewilderment and dismay, that our personal life seasons inexorably convey us forward. It is a mysterious journey that encompasses the entire universe of experience – yearning, expectation, joyous surprise, and unexpected loss and challenge. While we often feel a sense of certainty when we’re young, this is an illusion that we learn as we age. In fact, living brings with it increasing uncertainty as we move through spring, summer, fall, and into winter.

What was once known becomes unknown. Meeting ourselves in the seasons often requires effort, emotion, and spiritual strength. It is a hero’s journey, really.

As stage and backdrop against which the seasons of our lives play out, the source of our metaphor – the seasons of the earth – have been until recently remarkably stable, predictable, and entirely accommodating of our expectations and trust, affording us a sense of safety, allowing the illusion of unchangeability. The seasons are catalyst, muse, and inspiration, feeding the seasons of our lives a chord with which to tune our personal, even our spiritual, seasons.

Human-influenced climate change has been with us for some time. Does anyone not remember what the seasons were like earlier in our lives and see, feel, and know in our bones how they have changed? What was once known becomes unknown.

Many questions arise along these twining threads.

• How do we perceive the changes in our life’s seasons and in earth’s seasons?
• How do these perceptions and our personal experiences of the changes influence our corporeal, emotional, and spiritual selves?
• How have our senses of safety, trust, and faith been altered?
• Do we mourn the loss of what once was – the wonder, energy, freedom, and opportunity of youth; the deep snow in winter that now rarely visits, the nourishing sun and warmth of summer without withering extremes, or rains and winds gentler than we now know?
• Is there a connection – whether troubling and difficult or energizing and inspiring, or both – between the changes in our bodies and the unexpected changes occurring in the earth’s seasons?

These questions are the heart of this year’s Winter Meditation gathering. It is an invitation to deepen into these questions. We will offer time and space, and meditative, physical, and emotional room for whatever may come rising to the surface. In the dim light of deep winter, amid the warmth of our lodgings, common spaces, and those of us assembled, we will create safety. Come willing to contemplate with courage and share your thoughts, feelings, insights (both beautiful and terrible), fears, and joys, to mix in strange alchemy in the cauldron of Gay Spirit Visions.

Financial assistance in the form of scholarships is available. Our commitment is that anyone who resonates with our mission and community, and who has the desire to attend, can join our gatherings. To that end, we offer scholarships through the Raven Wolfdancer Financial Assistance Fund. Please go to the Financial Assistance page on the Gay Spirit Visions website for more information about scholarships and for a link to the Gay Spirit Visions financial assistance application form. Please note that the financial assistance application submission deadline is Friday, January 10, 2025.

Please also note that Gay Spirit Visions currently plans to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 guidelines in effect at the time of the gathering.

Registration is now open via the Gay Spirit Visions website, so please join us. Register early so that The Mountain will know how many cabins to heat up! Private rooms are available on a limited basis. Please note that the registration deadline for this gathering is Friday, January 10, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. ET.

John Schendel
GSV 2025 Winter Meditation Convener

Register Now!

Register: Winter Meditation

GSV 2024 Fall Conference Post 3

Where Are Your Feet?

September 26 – 29, 2024

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Highlands NC

Convener: ChaseR

4 Day/3 Night Package (Thursday through Sunday)

Bunk House (shared room up to 4 people) $300.00 + 6.75% tax = $320.25

Lodge or Duplex Cabin (double occupancy) $345.00 + 6.75% = $368.29

For All Rooms, Add Required GSV Program Fee $100.00

Check out the Registration System for Optional Extra Night Before (Wednesday Night) and/or After (Sunday Night) the Conference

Register Now!

Celebrating Gay Spirit Visions

Work on the 35th annual Gay Spirit Visions Fall Conference is progressing at a rapid pace now!

I am happy to inform you that we have a special guest presenter: Summer Minerva. They will be with us during the conference and will be screening their film Summer Within.

Summer Minerva is an Italian-American author, performer, educator, and filmmaker. Their passion for immersion into diverse cultures started when they were just a New York City kid in a multilingual, multicultural neighborhood. Their ever-present curiosity led them to the University of Miami, where they received a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Studies and Journalism, after studying abroad in Brazil, and circumnavigating the world on a ship. They then pursued a Master of Science degree in Education and taught at the elementary school level in New York City public schools. They speak Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian fluently and have co-edited Italian Trans Geographies for State University Press of New York (SUNY Press), released in 2023. Their autobiographical feature documentary film Summer Within (2024) has won prestigious awards in the United States and in Italy, including the Laceno d’Oro International Film Festival’s Spazio Campania “Chiara Ragione” Best Movie award. Summer is currently touring with a one-person performance called Tombola Bingo which premiered at The Australian National University in the summer of 2024. They have presented their work at many prominent institutions including the New-York Historical Society, Harvard University, New York University, New School University, Southern Methodist University, Colby College, Gibney: Agnes Varis Performing Arts Center, and many others. Summer currently works as an executive functioning coach for people with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and publishes regularly on Substack.
Summer Minerva

We have an incredible lineup of workshops and breakout sessions. Below is a working list of topics:
• Naked Yoga
• Presencing with the Enneagram
• Sharing Me Now – A Guided Autobiography
• Living Your Dying – End of Life Considerations for GBTQ Individuals
• Diving Into Your Ecstatic Body and BDSM Subspace
• Sound: A Meditative Bridge to Insight and Healing
• Super Sensual Sensation: Impact Play
• Living Breath Practice
• Self-Pleasuring and Multi-Orgasmic Practice
• The Relational Bond – Intimate Connection Through Conversation and Presence
• Embodied Spiritual Surrender
• Great Sky Circles – Mystical Sufi Traditions
• Breath Full Movement

A special hybrid event for online participation is being considered: Grounding In Our Sacred Chosen Bodies

Panel Discussions:
• Being an Ally to Indigenous People
• Keeping It Up All Year!
(Groups That Live GSV Year-Round and How They Do It)

I invite you to make origami cranes to bring to The Mountain and display. I am hoping for 1000 paper cranes. Below is a link to the story The Story of Sadako Sasaki and the Thousand Paper Cranes. You will also find links on how to make a paper crane. So, now is the time to begin your journey to The Mountain. Write down your prayers, intentions, and hopes, and fold them into the paper cranes you make. Many of you have already begun your journey.
The Story of Sadako Sasaki and the Thousand Paper Cranes (YouTube Video)
How to make a paper crane – Origami Crane Step by Step (YouTube Video)
Origami: Crane [tutorial] (YouTube Video)

Join us around our council fire, listening deeply in our heart circles, sharing meals, experiencing workshops, practicing gender freedom and expression, talent shows, dance, small groups, and a thousand other ways of being together.

I look forward to being with you in 25 days!

GSV 2024 Fall Conference Convener

Scholarship Information and Application Deadline

Financial assistance in the form of scholarships is available. The financial assistance application submission deadline is September 5, 2024. We hope that anyone who resonates with our mission and community, and who has the desire to attend, can join us at our gatherings. To that end we offer financial assistance through the Raven Wolfdancer Financial Assistance Fund. Please go to the Financial Assistance page on the Gay Spirit Visions website for more information and for a link to the GSV financial assistance application form. Remember, the financial assistance application submission deadline is September 5, 2024.


Registration for the GSV 2024 Fall Conference is open now. The GSV Council has asked me to remind all who plan to register that there are a maximum of six single occupancy accommodations. If a positive GSV and Mountain experience is contingent upon single room accommodations, please email [email protected] for single room occupancy request consideration.

Registration closes Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET. We remind you that recent fall conferences have reached capacity long before registration closes, so you are encouraged to register as soon as possible. All questions about the conference should be directed to [email protected] rather than The Mountain.

Register Now!