What to Expect

We’re delighted that you will be joining us for a gathering—we look forward to welcoming you! Before arriving at The Mountain, it’s important that you understand what to expect from our gatherings and community.

Come Prepared

Know what to bring, and what not to bring.

About Safe Space

Set your intention to co-create safe space with kindness, respect, and boundaries.

About GSV’s History

GSV had its first gathering at The Mountain in 1990, but our roots go back almost forty years to a 1978 gathering of men who love men at Running Water Farm, a Radical Faerie Sanctuary in Glen Ayre, NC. That’s a lot of history that you can review quickly by clicking the link above.

About The Mountain

The Mountain has hosted our events since 1990.


Most importantly, come to the gathering with a willing heart, whatever shape it’s in, as we will bring ours.

Bright Blessings! Safe travels to The Mountain!


About Gay Spirit Visions

Who We Are
How We Began
Community Traditions