From the Visionary – Altar Building Rediscovered

This is the third in a series of articles about altars republished from the Visionary archives. It was originally published in the Summer 2001 issue of GSV’s Visionary journal.


Altar Building Rediscovered

By Cami Delgado

Cami Delgado
Cami Delgado

The ancient art of altar building has made a comeback and it’s no wonder. Altars nurture and uplift our souls, support prayer and meditation and remind us of an invisible world we can’t see.

Building an altar can be a creative, energizing, and affirming experience that celebrates you and everyone who has enriched your journey. In your living room, it creates an atmosphere for soulful sharing. In your bedroom, it accentuates the sacredness of lovemaking.

Be bold and juxtapose contrasting power objects. On my altar, Quan Yin, shamanic rattles, Merlin the magician, an Om symbol, ceremonial feathers, sacred bells, a Celtic urn, and Jesus, all live harmoniously and celebrate the diversity of my spiritual sources.

Bring nature into your altar by including stones, minerals, sea shells, and live plants. Call forth the cleansing power of water by having water from a very special ocean, lake, river or spring, in a sacred vessel and let this natural element speak to your soul. Elicit Earth energy by collecting sand or earth from a favorite sacred site and keep it in a sacred container. Personalize your altar by honoring special beings who have inspired you, walked the journey with you or enriched your inner life. Images or quotes from your favorite spiritual mentors, elders, and teachers add inspiration. Particularly honor special gay men whose presence or written word have inspired you along your path.

An altar that celebrates all that you are would include a celebration of your gayness and sexuality. My altar includes rainbow flags and pink triangles. I’m still searching for a self-standing phallus. [pullquote align=”left” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Others honor a loved one by placing his pubic hair in a sacred pouch. [/pullquote]

Images of the naked male body placed amidst sacred objects speak to the harmonious integration of spirit and body. Others honor a loved one by placing his pubic hair in a sacred pouch.

Enhance the self-expressive character of your altar by creating special objects you have made. Hand painting spiritual symbols onto rock, fabric, candles or wood is a way of creating your own personalized and unique sacred objects.

My altar also includes the goddess Psyche (I’m a psychotherapist), Chinese Foo Dogs, Native American medicine beads, Greek Orthodox icons, Buddhas, yin yang symbols, a spiritual colonial Mexican painting,Tibetan and Hindu mala beads, sacred stones, I Ching coins, two plants, a rain stick, a Kabbala tree of life, an African goddess, a Lalique angel, 14 candles, my country’s coat of arms, and other personally meaningful items. It mirrors, expresses and supports essential aspects of my inner world.

These ideas awaken your intuition and inspiration. Let your altar be a genuine expression and celebration of your soul’s richness. Use the gift of your imagination to create a visual reminder of the potential that lies within you and of the sacredness of being gay!

Do it joyously!


This article was originally published in the Summer 2001 issue of GSV’s Visionary journal.  Read the original article in that issue of Visionary.

Visionary: A Horizon

Between 1995 and 2012, Gay Spirit Visions published Visionary, a reader-written journal that contained announcements about events, reports from the Council and hundreds of short articles on dozens of topics, serious, sublime and silly.

Prior to 2003, Visionary was printed and mailed to men who had attended GSV gatherings at The Mountain. After that time it was published as a PDF that was available to everyone on the Gay Spirit Visions website. The Spring 2012 issue was the last published in that format.

In 2014, the 25th anniversary of GSV’s founding, we saw a Visionary that included the most detailed history of our gatherings ever published, reviewed the 2014 gatherings and looked into the future with words from both community and Council Members.Altar at GSV Fall 2014 Gathering

We’ve heard so many compelling GSV community voices over these 20 years that we decided to bring some of them to the fore by using the GSV website to republish a series of articles on different themes on the next few months. The first theme, Altars, starts with an article by Dandelion and continues with thoughts from King Thackston, Cami Delgado, Jennings Fort and Andrew Ramer.

As Visionary continues online, we hope to explore topics that call to us now and in the future with content from a variety of diverse voices.

This is an experiment. We don’t know what Visionary will look like—digital, print, implanted chips—and we’re open to whatever direction it takes in reflecting and enriching our community.

If you’d like to browse past issues of Visionary, they’re all available here.

You are invited to email your ideas, encouragement, and suggestions for growth to [email protected].

— Gary Kaupman, Visionary Coordinator