Annual Gay Spirit Visions conferences.

GSV 2018 Spring Retreat

Embodying Community: Our Big Spring Thing!

April 13 -15, 2018

at The Mountain, Highlands, NC

Cost is $257.43 (double occupancy) | $332.16 (single occupancy)

Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!”
— Auntie Mame

Lovely Brothers,

What are your driving passions? What fascinations do you have that you might want to share with others? What portion of the experiential banquet can you provide for Our Big Spring Thing?

We would love for you to present a short workshop on a topic dear to your heart, so that we can benefit from your enthusiasm and experience.

GSV retreats are, and have always been, a place for our community to share gifts, hone skills, and reveal our deliciousness to an open-hearted audience. This year’s Spring Retreat aims to be a showcase of our community for our community.

Sharing our interests in this way helps to expand our minds, share our fascinations with others, and tighten the weave of our community.

Several of your GSV siblings have already signed up to share their knowledge, gifts, and talents. Our Big Spring Thing is shaping up to be a delightful feast of experiences, and we’d like the benefit of your knowledge, your hobbies, and your experience as well!

Won’t you please join us for Our Big Spring Thing?

If you have a clear sense of what you would like to present, please send a short description of what you have in mind to [email protected] along with a list of any supplies your workshop might require. Those who sign up in advance will get the better presentation spaces, but, as in years past, there will also be a sign-up sheet for those who get up to The Mountain and decide at the last minute that they would like to offer a workshop, give a presentation, or host a salon.

We look forward to seeing you, and learning from you, up on The Mountain!

Your Council

Register for the 2018 Spring Retreat

2018 GSV Spring Retreat

April 13 -15, 2018

at The Mountain, Highlands, NC

Cost is $257.43 (double occupancy) | $332.16 (single occupancy)

Embodying Community: Our Big Spring Thing

Sweet siblings in Spirit, we are delighted to invite you to this year’s Gay Spirit Visions Spring Retreat that we are calling Embodying Community: Our Big Spring Thing!

From its inception, Gay Spirit Visions has woven together the voices, stories, and gifts of our brilliant, open-hearted community, and this year’s Spring Retreat hearkens back to the early days of GSV when all programming came from the vast pool of talent that is y’all.

We have always striven to make our events a nurturing, empowering setting for revealing our gifts to our community, to the world, and, sometimes, to ourselves, and this spring we are inviting you to share your talents, your passions, your hobbies, and your calling with your siblings in the tribe.

What do you know, or know how to do, that you can share with us? What fascination do you have that you might also kindle in a GSV sibling? Whether you’re sharing a skill you’ve been honing for decades or a hobby you took up last year, we would love the benefit of your enthusiasm and knowledge. Can you show us how to knit? Can you direct us in a play? Can you host a witty, erudite salon? Have you always wanted to convene a puppy pile?

If you have a clear sense of what you would like to present, please send a short description of what you have in mind to [email protected] along with a list of any supplies your workshop might require. Those who sign up in advance will get the better presentation spaces, but, as in years past, there will also be a sign-up sheet for those who get up to The Mountain and decide at the last minute that they would like to offer a workshop, give a presentation, or host a salon.

We look forward to seeing you, and learning from you, up on The Mountain!

Your Council

Register for the 2018 Spring Retreat

Save the Date

2018 GSV Spring Retreat

April 13 – 15, 2018

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center

Highlands North Carolina

Registration and pricing information will soon be available for the 2018 GSV Spring Retreat. Mark your calendars and plan to join us at The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center in Highlands North Carolina from April 13th to April 15th.

2018 GSV Winter Meditation

Picture of total solar eclipse

Bringing Darkness to the Light

January 12 – 14, 2018

at The Mountain, Highlands, NC

Cost: $235.02 – Double Occupancy | $309.74 – Single Occupancy

Life’s waters flows from darkness.
Search the darkness, don’t run from it.

Dear Siblings,

Come gather during the darkest time of the year with a loving community of men who love men for a weekend of supportive exploration of the dark corners of our collective consciousness. Surrounded by loving siblings, we will create a safe vessel to share, listen, and celebrate the delicious darkness that both terrifies and inspires us.

We will explore mystical texts, such as Dark Night of the Soul by Juan de la Cruz, tales from world mythologies, and contemporary personal stories to enrich our understanding of the wisdom that is found in darkness.

We will experience different styles of meditation, including silent and guided meditation, walking meditation, and lectio divina, or divine reading. There will be plenty of time for reflection, writing, healing arts, and labyrinth walks, weather permitting.

You are invited to share your gifts during this retreat by proposing a workshop, offering massage, playing music, or whatever you feel called to bring! Contact the Winter Convener with your ideas, dreams, and questions. More information will be available in the coming weeks.

In gratitude,

Andy Foskey, Convener

Register for the 2018 Winter Meditation

Pariah Magic: Gifts of the Outsider

GSV 2017 Fall Conference

Pariah Magic: Gifts of the Outsider

September 21 – 24, 2017

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Highlands, NC

4 Days / 3 Nights: $405.65 (conference only, all inclusive)
5 Days / 4 Nights: $496.39 (arrive a day early + conference)

* Prices include taxes and program fee. *
The Conference begins at 5:00pm on Thursday and ends at 2:30pm on Sunday.
Registration starts at 3:00pm on Wednesday and Thursday.

Part III
Pariah Magic: Gifts of the Outsider

(This is Part III of a series, for Parts I and II click here)


Sweet Men of the Tribe,

This year’s Fall Conference, Pariah Magic: Gifts of the Outsider, is shaping up to be truly memorable on many levels!  We are premeditating joy and building delight! Sacred mischief is being planned and magic is afoot! The outsiders are coming together to create a spectacular, magical space beyond default reality, and we would love for you to join us!

As you have likely noticed by now, our keynote speaker is the brilliant Hindu drag nun (and YouTube sensation!) Sister Unity. In addition to our usual dance and “Talent” Show, we will be having a drum circle, a musical revue led by David Berger, a gorgeous Mabon ritual by Peregrine (Michael Chavez), and no fewer than three Sacred Touch events led by Mahan-Kalpa. We have an embarrassing wealth of workshops for the mind, the body, and the spirit led by Bob Strain, Nightshade, Tim Flood, Todd Humphrey, Bumblebee, and several others. Pariah status has never been so enviable!

If attending the Fall Conference would cause you undue financial hardship, the Raven Wolfdancer Financial Assistance Fund is available to help. To apply for financial assistance, click here.

Registration has been brisk, and we are rapidly pushing up against our attendance cap, so registering now will be doing yourself a kindness.

I hope to see you up amidst the magic of The Mountain!

Sincerely (and with epic levels of enthusiasm),

Your humble Convener,

Register for the Fall Conference>>