
GSV Masthead Logos

These masthead logos are in the file directory for the website. They were uploaded in 2014 & 2015 before I took over website management. These are all the images with Masthead in the filename.

GSV Masthead Logo
Filename: GSVMastheadLogo
This is the current logo on the website.

GSV 2015 Masthead 1
Filename: GSV2015Masthead1

GSV 2015 Masthead 2
Filename: GSV2015Masthead2

GSV 2015 Masthead 3
Filename: GSV2015Masthead3

I’m wondering if the following wer for the Fall, Winter, & Spring posts. Are they actual Mastheads or are they just logos?
2014 Fall Masthead
Filename: 2014FallMasthead

GSV 2015 Winter Masthead
Filename: GSV2015WinterMasthead

GSV 2015 Spring Masthead 2
Filename: GSV2015SpringMasthead2

I’m curious what this is. Is it related to the 25th anniversary possibly?
GSV 25
Filename: GSV25