Participatory Leadership

Gay Spirit Visions uses a geographically decentralized form of consensus-based decision-making. Consensus does not mean that everyone agrees, but that one or more in disagreement become willing to trust group wisdom and move forward with a decision.

Decisions are delegated to an appropriate group that consists of volunteers actively engaged with the GSV community.

The Council

The Council’s primary task is to facilitate annual retreats and conferences. Membership may include current and mentoring conveners, and any members with special skills appointed to meet a specific need.

Current Council
Greg Fields (Puck)
Jason Buchanan
Ben Lewis
Kyle Keane
Mike Cappuccio
John Rivest
Darin Topham
Scott Lewis
Joel Watson
Paul Austin

Contact the Council: [email protected]


A convener is tasked with developing and producing a GSV gathering in collaboration with the working circles, and the support and oversight of the Council. Conveners are appointed by the Council and attend all Council meetings.

Contact the Conveners: [email protected]

Working Circle Liaisons

The working circle Liaison helps coordinate the volunteers in a working circle and serves as liaison between the conveners and his working circle.

Contact the Liaisons: [email protected]

Working Circles

Working circles consist of volunteers from the GSV community that feel called to assist with production for a particular aspect of our gatherings. Working circles are empowered to make decisions within the purview of their group, as determined by the convener and Council. Working circles are open to members of the community that have attended at least one gathering.

View a list of GSV’s working circles.