Exploring Inner Marriage
at The Mountain Retreat & Learning Center
Highlands, NC
April 22-24, 2016
two Nights Lodging & Meals: $237.15
The philosopher Carl Jung believed that the culmination of our Soul’s journey is the inner marriage of the opposites within the psyche: masculine/feminine; conscious/unconscious; divine/human. The goal: to move from Ego-centered consciousness to the Soul-centered consciousness of the Sacred Inner Marriage.
That’s a bit much to take on at a two day Retreat.
So, we’ll be exploring the role of our internal masculine/feminine energies and how they contribute to a deeper understanding of who we are now. And, what paths we may want to explore next on our journeys towards a Sacred Inner Marriage.
Our Keynoters will be members of the community sharing short stories of their journeys of on this path followed by brief conversations.
The rest of the retreat will use embodied experiences to explore Inner Marriage. While some of our journeys may have similarities, what you will discover will be uniquely yours. You may find words for your experiences, or you may find the kind of wisdom for which there are not yet adequate words. Spirit works in many ways.
There will be free time, time for pop-up workshops, and fun times. There will be experiences that are familiar to you and others that we’ve not seen at a GSV Gathering before.
More shall be revealed!

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(If you need help registering call The Mountain
at (828) 526-5838 x218)