Dear Brothers,
Everything you have ever done is because you thought it would make you feel better. Every purchase you made, every interaction you have had with another person, and every life decision you took is because you, at that moment, hoped it would make you feel better. That’s how important positive emotion is.
And at times, it didn’t quite work out as well as you expected…right?
At our upcoming winter retreat, we will have conversations on how to mindfully and intentionally create a more sustainable positive energy flow. Meditation, mindfulness, and owning joyful and creative response-ability for your life experience are just some of the many core practices that elicit and cultivate that energy flow.
And then we’ll talk about how that energy flow enhances our lives, how it makes us more generous and loving people, and how it empowers us to make significant contributions to dear friends, the LGBT community, the world, and maybe even GSV.
Please join us for what will be an uplifting, enlivening, energizing, and upbeat conversation on the most important topic in life.
“To be (happy) … or not to be (happy) … THAT is the question.” — Shakespeare/Delgado
Tony James, Convener
Cami Delgado, Keynote Speaker & Co-Creator
Jim Stratton, Co-Creator