Annual Gay Spirit Visions conferences.

2016 Winter Meditation: Conversations on Mindfulness

Dear Brothers,

Everything you have ever done is because you thought it would make you feel better. Every purchase you made, every interaction you have had with another person, and every life decision you took is because you, at that moment, hoped it would make you feel better. That’s how important positive emotion is.

And at times, it didn’t quite work out as well as you expected…right?

At our upcoming winter retreat, we will have conversations on how to mindfully and intentionally create a more sustainable positive energy flow. Meditation, mindfulness, and owning joyful and creative response-ability for your life experience are just some of the many core practices that elicit and cultivate that energy flow.

And then we’ll talk about how that energy flow enhances our lives, how it makes us more generous and loving people, and how it empowers us to make significant contributions to dear friends, the LGBT community, the world, and maybe even GSV.

Please join us for what will be an uplifting, enlivening, energizing, and upbeat conversation on the most important topic in life.

“To be (happy) … or not to be (happy) … THAT is the question.” — Shakespeare/Delgado

Tony James, Convener
Cami Delgado, Keynote Speaker & Co-Creator
Jim Stratton, Co-Creator

2016 Winter Meditation: Friendship, Brotherhood, and Community

Dear Brothers,

Come join us for friendship, brotherhood, and a heart-centered community experience. Renew, replenish, and restore yourself at the 2016 GSV Winter Meditation.
It could be one of the most significant retreats you will ever attend. Why?  The energy you flow immediately affects your physical health, your emotional health, your human interactions, your value in the world, and your connection to Spirit. The energy you flow, the emotion that beams from your heart, changes EVERYTHING in your life.
AND you have total creative control over it…through spiritual practice. In this retreat we are going to have some real significant conversations about it. 
Please join us.

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.”  —The XIV Dalai Lama, The Art of Happiness
“Be happy, for your only function here is happiness.”  —A Course in Miracles (Lesson 102)
“Unconditional happiness is the highest technique there is … This is truly a spiritual path, and it is as direct and sure a path to Awakening as could possibly exist … Events don’t determine whether or not you’re going to be happy. They’re just events. You determine whether or not you’re going to be happy.” — Michael A. Singer, The Untethered Soul

“To be (happy) … or not to be (happy) … THAT is the question.” — Shakespeare/Delgado

Tony James, Convener
Cami Delgado, Keynote Speaker & Co-Creator
Jim Stratton, Co-Creator

Call for Participation: Annual Planning Retreat

GSV Annual Planning Retreat
January 17 – 18, 2016

Sunday afternoon – Monday afternoon
No cost for participants*


Every year, the Council of Elders of Gay Spirit Visions sponsors a Planning Retreat for the Council and all working groups. Participation is open to those who currently serve on a work group, those who have attended at least one GSV conference, or to individuals that have received prior Council approval.

We especially encourage work group liaisons and active work group members to attend. Expenses for the Sunday overnight stay and meals will be paid by the Council. You may attend the Planning Retreat without attending the Winter Meditation.

Read more about the annual Planning Retreat >>
Register for the Planning Retreat >>

* Planning Retreat registration costs are paid for by the Council of Gay Spirit Visions.

2016 GSV Winter Meditation: Happiness


GSV 2016 Winter Meditation

GSV 2016 Winter Meditation

Happiness: Positive Emotion and Creating a More Vibrant GSV, LGBT Community, and World

January 15 – 17, 2016
at The Mountain, Highlands NC

Two Nights: $226.48

[standout-css3-button href=”” opennewwindow=”false”]Register Today[/standout-css3-button]


Tony James, Convener
Tony James, Convener

Dear Brothers,

Come join us for a conversation on happiness, true happiness. Come to this heart-centered, upbeat, uplifting, inspiring, experiential, interactive, energizing, and enlivening retreat.


People who live mostly in positive emotion are healthier and live longer lives. They make better friends and have a wider circle of friends. They make better spouses and have better relationships and marriages. They are smarter and more creative. They are more resilient—they bounce back faster after adversity. And they are also kinder, more loving, more generous, and more giving.

Happiness does not happen by chance—it happens by choice. It is a practice, and the more you practice, the better you get at it. Anyone can be happier, and happier, and happier, if they choose.

Cami Delgado
Cami Delgado, Keynote Speaker & Co-Creator

This workshop provides the vessel for you to examine and begin to dissolve obstacles to happier living and gives you insights as to how you can be a more valuable presence in GSV, the LGBT community, and the world.

“To be (happy)… or not to be (happy)…THAT is the question.”
— Shakespeare/Delgado


Tony James, Convener
Cami Delgado, Keynote Speaker & Co-Creator
Jim Stratton, Co-Creator

2015 Fall Conference: Variety Show

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for registering for the upcoming 2015 GSV Fall Conference, positive anticipation is rising daily. Can you hear the drum roll? The rustle of yards of fabric?

We in the entertainment committee certainly can, and are inviting you to sign up for the 2015 talent show. Performance art is a form of healing, of growth, of sharing and bonding with brothers and as the conference theme suggests, this may well be the wildest show ever!

Cami Delgado
Cami Delgado

Some of you are visual artists, not performers. We’re looking for several visual artists to do signs announcing the different acts. Can we count on you? Let us know.

For the performers, the sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board of the Commons Room (behind the dining room). Please sign up ASAP to assure a spot and please keep in mind the following:

  • Acts must be no longer than 6 minutes. After that, a swarm of stage faeries will make you disappear, it won’t be pretty…we promise.
  • Attending rehearsal is mandatory; no act can appear without rehearsal.
  • For piano accompaniment, please send your sheet music to David Berger in advance [email protected] and schedule one-on-one rehearsal time upon arrival.
  • If you’re using a musical track, please present it to the sound tech at rehearsal.
  • Acts work best when enhanced with costumes, props, music, and movement. Keep this in mind as you prepare your material.
  • Freedom of expression requires that both performers and audience keep an open mind and a sensitive heart; we ask that everyone be mindful of this.

See you at the Mountain!
