Annual Gay Spirit Visions conferences.

GSV 2021 Fall Conference – Last Call

GSV 2021 Fall Conference

(Re)Directing Our Energies to Queer Worldmaking

September 23 – 26, 2021

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Highlands, NC

4 Day/3 Night Package (Thursday through Sunday)

Lodge (shared room) $436.26

Cabin (shared room) $404.24

Bunk House (shared room up to 4 people) $372.21

Register Now

Dearest GSV Brothers and Siblings,

The magic of the Fall Conference is coming together, breath by breath, seed by seed, story by story. I have had the honor of speaking with many of our brothers and siblings over the last several months, hearing their laughter and words of excitement for our return to The Mountain. Indeed, our love is buzzing and the hope for sharing hugs is electrifying.

“Everything vibrates. Everything moves. Even when matter appears to be standing still, its atoms are moving. More important, the energy animating it is moving. Similar vibrations gather together.”
—Christopher Penczak

As I promised in my first call, this year’s Fall Conference will be a gathering of both old and new, past and future bridged in the present to reconnect with ourselves and each other in a space we call home.

We will engage in familiar rituals with a sacred fire and our beloved talking stick, weaving our hearts together in circles, small and large. We will revisit workshops of yore, breathing life into memories long since passed and energies needing renewal.

I mean, really. Who doesn’t love a good hands-on enneagram workshop? Or a body-centered performance breakout session? A little art, anyone? Wanna run some energy, or meditate, or exchange a massage? Perhaps do a deeper dive into some tango or tarot? Maybe you’d like to honor our ancestors while directing our energies forward during a Lingam Puja?

Are you also looking for some downtime to talk with one another? Or to “talk” with one another? To listen to each other’s stories in space and time, to feel each other’s energy in breath, intertwined?

Maybe you need a moment at Meditation Rock, or a contemplative pass through the Labyrinth? How about a gaze at the waning gibbous moon from atop the Fire Tower, or perhaps a special rendezvous in the Love Nest?

A dance? A musical soirée? A parade of beauties? A variety show? Let’s not forget some Faery chants.

We are the flow and we are the ebb.
We are the weavers, we are the web.
—We Are The Flow, Shekinah Mountainwater

My questions above serve as winks to what you can expect from our Fall Conference.

What else can you expect? A slightly slower pace—built-in breath breaks and coffee space for us to come and go as we need and as we please, to reconnect and to recharge.

What you can also expect, different from years past, is a memorial ceremony of one of our earliest founders—Ron Lambe. We will take time to honor Ron and his contributions to our tribe. We will breathe in statements from Peter Kendrick and Running Water Farm. We will take in songs and gifts from Ron’s time here on Earth. And we will make space to reflect on our futures with Ron and his guidance from the spiritual realm.

And you can always expect the love and the light of GSV family, shining together and fire-bridging from afar.

I call to you, dearest GSV brothers and siblings, to write up your stories of Ron from over the years. We would like to compile the stories and share them with our Gay Spirit Visions Oral History Project at Georgia State University. And we would like you to share them with us during his memorial ceremony. If you cannot be with us in body, email them to me and I will invite our brothers and siblings to read your stories in your honor.

I also call to each of you who will be coming together on September 23rd to join a working circle. Whether this is your 1st GSV gathering or your 32nd, we welcome your gifts and your energy in transforming The Mountain as our brothers, siblings, and ancestors have done before us.

Financial assistance, in the form of scholarships, is available. The financial assistance application submission deadline is September 9. Our hope is that anyone who resonates with our mission and community, and who has a desire to attend, can join us at our gatherings. To that end, we offer financial assistance through the Raven Wolfdancer Financial Assistance Fund. Please go to the Financial Assistance page on the Gay Spirit Visions website for more information about financial assistance (scholarships) and for a link to the GSV financial assistance application form. Remember, the financial assistance application submission deadline is September 9.

Our time is coming, dearest brothers and siblings. Prepare your long wing feathers and make space to circle around the boundless universe of the queer worlds you wish to create.

Blessed be,
Bumblebee (Greg Hummel)
GSV 2021 Fall Conference Convener
[email protected]

Register Now

GSV Seeking Cellist

Dear Brother Musicians,

We are seeking a cellist who will be attending the Fall Conference to assist in playing “Reverie” for piano and cello, composed by Ron Lambe, one of GSV’s founders. We hope to perform this as a way of memorializing Ron at the conference. If you are interested, please contact David Berger by email [email protected] or phone 614-579-2324.

GSV 2021 Fall Conference: (Re)Directing Our Energies to Queer Worldmaking

GSV 2021 Fall Conference

(Re)Directing Our Energies to Queer Worldmaking

September 23 – 26, 2021

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Highlands, NC

4 Day/3 Night Package (Thursday through Sunday)

Lodge (shared room) $436.26

Cabin (shared room) $404.24

Bunk House (shared room up to 4 people) $372.21

Register Now

Dearest Brothers and Siblings,

Almost two years has passed since our tribe gathered in the ways that we had become accustomed for over three decades. In the meantime, we adapted as our kind has always had to do. We did our best to hold virtual space for each other; we were led by gifted conveners who worked boldly and tirelessly to create spaces for us to continue the journey of bringing our sexual and spiritual selves into conversation with each other during a time when many of us were otherwise isolated from our kind. The time has come for us to come together again. We will reconvene in-person this fall at The Mountain, September 23-26.

Breathe with me.

This fall will be a mix of old and new, a sort of homecoming to a place we’ve always known was ever-present in our bodies, even when we knew the physical realm could not maintain or sustain our tribe. Our focus will be on that which has been a through line of every GSV gathering, yet never officially named in our gatherings’ titles: Energy. And while I’m sure this gathering will be different from any other gathering, in some of the ways that every gathering is different, much of what we know as GSV will be reawakened with the energies of every brother and sibling who came before us. With hope and intention, we will rekindle and rejuvenate GSV with the energies of every brother and sibling who we have yet to meet.

How might we intentionally—spiritually—(re)direct our energies to create the worlds and realities we have always needed, yet may have never known the deep-seated necessity of such worlds beyond our own?

This fall will be a bridge of past-present-future in ways that only gay and queer bodies know. We will focus our energies on coming home to ourselves and each other, while continuing the work of creating worlds for ourselves and each other in spaces and places not designed for us and our communities. We will honor our pasts—and all the messiness that comes with our pasts—to free up our energies from tiresome drudges that only hold back our progress as gay and queer energetic entities moving through multiple planes of existence. And we will do so in ways that are both familiar and uncomfortable, affirming and challenging, reconciling and forgiving.

Cami Delgado, the 2019 Thirtieth Anniversary Fall Conference convener, ended his first conference announcement letter with a Margaret Mead quote that I have always adored: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” We have been changing worlds since the moment we began radiating energy. When we come together, again, with purpose and intention, we will foster a space necessary for us all to do the work we have always been doing: building queer worlds. I cannot begin to express how excited I am to gather with you, again, from the welcoming rituals in the afternoon of September 23 to the closing heart circle from 11 a.m.–1 p.m. on Sunday, September 26.

To do this, though, we must also continue to be mindful of and diligent against external forces that make gathering difficult. We will need all of us working together to create and sustain the safest conference that we can possibly manage. And so, for the safety of all, please read and understand The Council’s messaging on gathering during what we hope will be the late-stage of this current global pandemic. We will be gathering in a limited capacity based on what The Mountain can sustain at this moment in time, so register early. Consider reaching out to brothers and siblings with whom you can room comfortably and safely. And as noted elsewhere, vaccinations will be required to attend the fall conference. Please get vaccinated early if you plan to attend.

If you are attending and are interested in sharing your gifts with our community, please feel welcome to reach out to me at [email protected]. If the conference theme calls to you, I look forward to chatting with you about a workshop you might host. Our brothers and siblings have been asking for some more hands-on activities (of course they have been!), and so I especially welcome workshops that give our brothers something to do with their hands…

Financial assistance, in the form of scholarships, is available. The financial assistance application submission deadline is September 9. Our hope is that anyone who resonates with our mission and community, and who has a desire to attend, can join us at our gatherings. To that end, we offer financial assistance through the Raven Wolfdancer Financial Assistance Fund. Please go to the
Financial Assistance page on the Gay Spirit Visions website for more information about financial assistance (scholarships) and for a link to the GSV financial assistance application form. Remember, the financial assistance application submission deadline is September 9.

My hope is that we can hold space for each other as we have always done. And my sincerest hope is that many of us will be able to hold each other, once again, in ways that elevate our energies, both individually and collectively.

Registration is now open, brothers and siblings. With love and virtual hugs!

Blessed be,
Bumblebee (Greg Hummel)
GSV 2021 Fall Conference Convener

Register Now

GSV 2021 Spring Retreat

Spring Retreat

Growing the Seeds of Hope and Reconnecting with

Self, Sangha, & Sacred Cosmos

May 7-9, 2021

A virtual Zoom-based experience

$35 registration fee

Additional donations for the GSV Scholarship Fund and/or The Mountain can also be made in the registration portal.

Register now!

Dear Siblings,

Instead of sending out a “last call for the conference,” I wanted to write you a personal note. I have a question for you.

Why come to one more Zoom conference, when everything in you wants to rush out into the world and be together with people you love?

Thirty years of experience as a breathworker, trauma therapist, and spiritual healer have taught me:

integration is everything —

And integration absolutely requires a few moments of catching our breaths together, harvesting our learning, healing our wounds, and setting a new course together.

And this is a chance to do exactly that.

It’s like the time at the end of a breath session, when the music quiets and you rest from the hard work of catharsis, journeying, and visioning … and let everything you’ve experienced soak into your bones and crystalize into a few clear insights to guide your life as you rise.

We’ve created the GSV Virtual Spring Retreat to do just this. I’ve asked some of the most seasoned teachers, facilitators, and mischief-makers in our community to come together, to share their own stories of hope and reconnection, and support you in reflecting on your own. People who’ve done the hard work of integrating their own journeys and the even harder work of helping others, do the same.

We’ve all been through it this year. Many of us ache to “get back to normal.” The funny thing is, though, we don’t “get back to normal” after traumatic experiences — we either heal and grow, harvesting our own discoveries and changing the course of our lives — or we stay braced against the powerful changes inside ourselves and around us.

There is extraordinary power in our community. I hope you’ll join us in harnessing and celebrating it.

And I think it’s gonna be a helluva lot of fun.

Come, come, whoever you are! Wanderer, worshiper, lover of men,
Whatever your race, class, culture or color,
serostatus or sexual wounds,
whatever you struggle with, heart, mind, body or soul …

whether you’re gay, bi, questioning, queer, or transgender,
single or partnered, poly or simply perplexed;
religious or atheist, spiritual, awestruck,
addicted, recovering, or reaching for heaven on earth,
outrageous or quiet, flamboyant or shy, prophetic or peaceful,
elder or newbie or somewhere between …

we welcome your sorrows, we welcome your joys,
we welcome your hunger, we welcome your gifts
we welcome your stories and questions and yearnings …
we welcome you home.

Registration closes on Wednesday, May 5

Register now!

See you in Zoomland! Oh, and bring a rock.

Hunter Flournoy
GSV Spring Convener

PS: The opinions expressed above are solely the conclusions of the convener, arising from his own rather unusual if somewhat extensive experience, and should not be taken to represent the opinions of the larger community of GSV, the GSV Council, its membership, humanity, or the galactic federation of planets … 😂

GSV 2021 Spring Retreat

Spring Retreat

Growing the Seeds of Hope and Reconnecting with

Self, Sangha, & Sacred Cosmos

May 7-9, 2021

A virtual Zoom-based experience

$35 registration fee

Additional donations for the GSV Scholarship Fund and/or The Mountain can also be made in the registration portal.

Register now!

“For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land …” —from The Song of Songs

My Beautiful Far-Flung Family,

Are you ready to cultivate the seeds of hope?

Are you ready to reconnect with the parts of yourself that have gone into hibernation?

Are you ready to reconnect with the sacred community that yearns to feel your presence, and the sacred cosmos that yearns for your creativity, passion, and activism?

How can we live into our yearning patiently, even when we want to leap into each others’ arms?

Spring has come, and after a year of cultivating resilience in the face of deep division, isolation, and deprivation for so many of us, the time for hope and patient reconnection has come.

I invite you to join me for our Spring Retreat—yes, still virtual—but a crucial time for coming together to envision our next steps for creating a new world together. We will draw hope from deep within, from each other, and from the sacred cosmos in which we live and move and have our being—and walk forward with one heart!

“Then it was spring; and in spring anything may happen. Absolutely anything.” —e.e. cummings

Our time together will be devoted to asking the important questions of our time, celebrating the rich web of connections that sustain and encourage us, reawakening our hearts, bodies, minds, and spirits, and cultivating hope.

We will begin our time together with laughter, heart-sharing, embodied breathwork, and ceremony on Friday Evening, followed by an open time of sharing the poetry, songs, and stories that have given us hope in the last year.

One feature of this year’s virtual spring retreat will be the opportunity to deepen our experience of sharing and reconnection by participating in stable breakout groups. As well, a virtual “rocking-chair porch” will be provided so that we can visit with friends old and new.

Saturday and Sunday Mornings will begin with a beautiful breathwork and movement meditation and Tai Chi with Paul Plate.

Saturday Morning and Saturday Afternoon, Mahan-Kalpa Khalsa, Andrew Elias Ramer, and I will share the stories of our own journeys of hope and reconnection, drawing from our rich histories of deep spiritual exploration and sacred erotic activism, including over twenty years of combined experience shepherding GSV’s Sacred Touch Working Circle. These stories will be interspersed with Qs & As as well as opportunities to reflect in breakout groups on your own journey of hope and reconnection. We will complete the afternoon with opportunities for gentle breathwork, restorative yoga and harp music with David Jones and Teddy Jones, and an opportunity for deeper reflection with TS Pennington and Allen Lomax.

Saturday Evening will offer an opportunity for a playful and inspiring workshop, Authentic Relationship, with Sequoia, a dear friend of James Broughton, a transformational life coach, and a long-time teacher of sacred touch and authentic relationship.

Sunday Morning, we will close with conversations about hope, our individual and collective vision for the next year, a final breathwork experience, and our closing circle.

I hope you will join me for a playful, joyful, and profound weekend together of growing the seeds of hope!

All my love,
Hunter Flournoy
GSV 2021 Spring Convener and Mischief-Maker

Register now!

Spring Retreat