2015 Spring Retreat: With Connection & Communication

Luis Alvarez
Luis Alvarez

Hello dear brothers,

My name is Luis Alvarez and I am happy to introduce myself as convener for the 2015 Spring Retreat, co-created with Terry Allen. Having attended Gay Spirit Visions since the 2010 Fall Conference, I have come to love my times of connection at The Mountain. I started and fostered meaningful relationships with many of you throughout the past four years, and I am honored and humbled by the love and support you have shared with me. Now it is time for me to give back by holding sacred and safe space for us to connect and ask for what we need from ourselves, one another, and the community.

Terry Allen
Terry Allen

This Spring, we will engage in many different activities that will encourage us to grow spiritually through connectedness and communication. The purpose of communication is both to reach out to another and to express what the speaker is thinking, feeling, and needing. The conference will allow participants to expand their abilities in both reaching out and expressing their needs.

Please consider joining us in this adventure.

The Visionary’s 25th Year Edition

Visionary, The Journal of Gay Spirit Visions 2014

Visionary, The Journal of Gay Spirit Visions 2014

“To understand how Gay Spirit Visions came to be, it is helpful to look at what came before, and especially what happened in gay consciousness between about 1970 and 1990.”  – Bob Strain (Palindrome)

Thus begins the prologue to this special 25th year edition of the Visionary, the Journal of Gay Spirit Visions. Tremendous gratitude is due Bob Strain, Gary Kaupman, and Tony James for the passion and vision each of them brought to this issue of Visionary, which would not have been published without their dedication. There are also many other voices in this issue, and gratitude is extended to each of the men who shared their words and wisdom.

Download a PDF of the 25th year Visionary (Recommended) >>
View a PDF of the 25th year Visionary in Google Drive >>


With warm regards and bright blessings,

The Council of Nine

Touching The Body, Touching The Spirit: A Bodymind Meditation Retreat

“The world is holy! The soul is holy! The skin is holy! The nose is holy! The tongue and cock and hand and asshole holy! Everything is holy! everybody’s holy! everywhere is holy … Holy the supernatural extra brilliant intelligent kindness of the soul!” —Allan Ginsberg

We are beings of living energy in an ocean of infinite bliss.
We are beings of blood and bone, breathing spirit.


2015 Winter Meditation: Four Practices


Join us for a playful and profound bodymind meditation retreat, devoted to gently and safely nurturing our experience of spirit in the body. With awareness, compassion, and curiosity, we will explore the spirit in the body through bodymind meditations, including:


Touching The Spirit in Our Own Body

Touching The Spirit in Our Own Body

Standing in Spirit, Sitting in Spirit
Ecstatic Breathing Meditation




Touching Each Other’s Spirits

Touching Each Other’s Spirits

Discovering the I Am through Touch and the Surrendered Breath
Touching Each Other: Intimate Sacred Touch with Partners
Touching Each Other: Sexual Sacred Touch with Partners




Touching The Spirit in the World

Touching The Spirit in the World

Touching the World with Our Whole Being




Cultivating a Sacred Self-Touch Practice

Cultivating Sacred Self-Touch

Cultivating a Sacred Self-Touch Practice





This weekend is designed to cultivate a mindful atmosphere of awareness, compassion, respect, and curiosity. Meditations will be offered at all levels of intimacy. Participation is always optional, and we will support every person’s participation at a level that feels safe and sacred for them. We’ve also included unscheduled time for self-reflection, and for brothers to offer their own safe and sacred workshops and ceremonies.

Read about the Winter Meditation >>
Read about the Planning Retreat >>

Winter 2015: Touching the Body, Touching the Spirit

GSV 2015 Winter MeditationTouching the Body, Touching the Spirit:
A Bodymind Meditation Retreat

The Winter Meditation will convene January 16-18, 2015 at The Mountain, Highlands NC with convener Hunter Flournoy.

Registration for the GSV 2015 Winter Meditation is now open.



Read about the Winter Meditation >>
Read about the Planning Retreat >>
Register for the 2015 Winter Meditation >>