Annual Gay Spirit Visions conferences.

GSV 2023 Fall Conference Post 1

2023 Fall Conference Logo

Queer Bodies/Gay Spirit

September 28 – October 1, 2023

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Highlands NC

4 Day/3 Night Package (Thursday through Sunday)

Bunk House (shared room up to 4 people) $285.00

Lodge or Duplex Cabin (double occupancy) $330.00

For All Rooms, Add Mandatory GSV Program Fee $100.00

Check out the Registration System for Optional Extra Nights Before and After the Conference

Register Now!

Convener: Jonny “Mothra” Gray
Keynote Speaker: Tim Miller


You are cordially invited to join us for the Gay Spirit Visions 2023 Fall Conference. Building on recent GSV gatherings addressing the power and place of story in our lives, our fall conference will dig deep into the connections between stories and bodies. We will ask ourselves: What are the stories we want to keep that connect us with others? How are these stories etched into our skin, muscle, and bone? How can we use these stories to locate spiritual insights in bodily experiences? Author and performance artist Tim Miller will guide us, as he has guided many other queer gatherings, to strengthen our community ties by sharing our experiences in artful, embodied, and ritualized ways.

Keynote Presentation: A Body in the O — Sex/Body/Self

Building off his recent book and solo performance, A Body in the O, Tim Miller offers reflections of the place of embodied experience, queer connections, and spiritual growth. Beginning with a day in 1984 when Miller scrambled up inside the O of the Hollywood sign and imagined the performance space tree house of his dreams (what would become Performance Space 122 in New York and Highways Performance Space in L.A.), A Body in the O journeys through the hoops of the Department of Homeland Security, a queer boy’s truth-telling, a performance at Performance Space 122 in 1980, and finally a wedding day in NYC in 2013, as Miller imagines the full possibility of performance that changes the world inside these wooden Os!

Workshop: Queer Body Maps

Our work will be a fun and charged exploration into creating and claiming the stories from our personal lives: from our dreams, obsessions, peeves, memories, and desires. We will be especially exploring that charged border between our bodies and society…our narratives and our politics…ourselves and others. Telling our OWN story doesn’t separate us from other people, it connects us.

The goal of the workshop is to share some pathways to create original story sharings from the tremendous energies and narratives that are present in our lives. Using our own memories and myths as a jumping-off point, we will see where a deep sense of personal story creates tellings that jump out from our bodies and conjure new queer communities.

Please bring your hearts and brains and hopes and fears. No performance experience is necessary.

Tim Miller

Tim MillerTim Miller is an internationally acclaimed performance artist. Miller’s creative work as a performer and writer explores the artistic, spiritual, and political topography of his identity as a gay man. Hailed for his humor and passion, Miller has tackled this challenge in such pieces as Postwar (1982), Cost of Living (1983), Democracy in America (1984), Buddy Systems (1985), Some Golden States (1987), Stretch Marks (1989), Sex/Love/Stories (1991), My Queer Body (1992), Naked Breath (1994), Fruit Cocktail (1996), Shirts & Skin (1997), Glory Box (1999), US (2003), 1001 Beds (2006), Lay of the Land (2009), Rooted (2016), and A Body in the O (2019).

Miller’s performances have been presented throughout North America, Australia, and Europe in such prestigious venues as the Yale Repertory Theatre, the Institute of Contemporary Arts (London), the Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), and the Brooklyn Academy of Music. He is the author of the books Shirts & Skin, Body Blows, 1001 Beds, which won the 2006 Lambda Literary Award for best book in LGBT Drama, and A Body in the O.

Miller and three other artists, the so-called “NEA 4,” successfully sued the federal government of the United States with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union for violation of their First Amendment rights and won a settlement where the government paid them the amount of the defunded grants and all court costs. Though the Supreme Court of the United States decided in 1998 to overturn part of Miller’s case and determined that “standards of decency” are constitutional criteria for federal funding of the arts, Miller vows “to continue fighting for freedom of expression for fierce diverse voices.”

You can find additional information about Tim’s work at his website,

Jonny “Mothra” Gray

Johnny GrayI am an associate professor of Communication Studies at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale where I specialize in Environmental Communication with a particular focus on arts-based environmental advocacy and education. The intersection of LGBTQ and environmental advocacy is also central in my work, fostering a keen interest in Queer Ecology. I have been attending GSV gatherings since the fall of 2016. I had originally hoped to convene with Tim Miller as the keynote speaker in the fall of 2020, but a global pandemic forced us to consider a more online-friendly conference keynote and theme. We are happy to finally share Tim’s incredible work and insights this fall.

In addition to my academic career, I am proud to serve my community as Sister Mothra Stewart, a member of the SOIL Sisters, a fully professed House in the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. My path into the Sisterhood began at the GSV 2017 Fall Conference — a reminder that the seeds we plant at these gatherings can yield some delicious fruit.

Scholarship Information and Application Deadline

Financial assistance in the form of scholarships is available. The financial assistance application submission deadline is September 16. We hope that anyone who resonates with our mission and community, and who has the desire to attend, can join us at our gatherings. To that end we offer financial assistance through the Raven Wolfdancer Financial Assistance Fund. Please go to the Financial Assistance page on the Gay Spirit Visions website for more information and for a link to the GSV financial assistance application form. Remember, the financial assistance application submission deadline is September 16.


Registration for the GSV 2023 Fall Conference is open now. The GSV Council has asked me to remind all who plan to register that single occupancy requests must be cleared with the Council and require a medical excuse. For private room consideration please email [email protected]

Registration closes Saturday, September 23 at 5:00 PM. We remind you that recent fall conferences have reached capacity long before registration closes, so you are encouraged to register as soon as possible. All questions about the conference should be directed to the Council [email protected] rather than The Mountain.

Jonny “Mothra” Gray
GSV 2023 Fall Conference Convener

Register Now!

GSV 2023 Spring Retreat Post 3 – Last Call

GSV Spring Logo

From Vulnerability to Intimacy: Exploring the Threshold

May 12-14, 2023

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Highlands NC

3 Day/2 Night Package (Friday through Sunday)

Bunk House (shared room up to 4 people): $190.00

Lodge or Duplex Cabin (double occupancy): $220.00

Single Occupancy (private room): $340.00

For All Rooms add Mandatory GSV program fee: $35.00

Register Now!

On the threshold, the entire past and the endless future rush to meet one another.
—Gunilla Norris

Dear Siblings,

The time of our Spring Retreat gathering is getting closer and the anticipation of being with you all is growing stronger. I am eager and excited to share mutual experiences of intimate and vulnerable conversations during our time together. I hope you are eagerly anticipating this as well.

As a reminder, our opening time together on Friday evening will honor our GSV traditions, followed by simple, meaningful conversations, and gentle touch; tea and biscuits may even be involved!

On Saturday you will be invited into experiences that will allow you to explore the thresholds we cross as we journey from vulnerability to intimacy. These will include clothed sacred touch, an exploration of sacred wisdom, and a discussion of how our identity is itself a threshold into deeper intimacy. Finally, there will be an invitation to have a socially nude experience through boundary setting and ritual. On Saturday evening we will share in drumming and camaraderie around our sacred fire.

Throughout the weekend there will be plenty of unstructured downtime to allow you an opportunity to encounter The Mountain and our siblings in whatever way you desire.

I know many of you may be expecting organized higher levels of sacred and erotic touch during our time at The Mountain. To be clear, the Spring Retreat will not have an organized massage event, puppy pile, dedicated intimacy space, or other types of higher-level touch opportunity. What you will have, if you wish, is an opportunity to seek and create higher levels of touch on your own—good practice for being vulnerable, intimate, and asking for what you need from your siblings. It is, perhaps, a different way of encountering the presence of your fellow siblings and the energy of The Mountain.

Financial assistance, in the form of scholarships, is available. The financial assistance application submission deadline is April 30. We hope that anyone who resonates with our mission and community, and who has the desire to attend, can join us at our gatherings. To that end, we offer financial assistance through the Raven Wolfdancer Financial Assistance Fund. Please go to the Financial Assistance page on the Gay Spirit Visions website for more information about financial assistance (scholarships) and for a link to the GSV financial assistance application form. Remember, the financial assistance application submission deadline is April 30.

Registration is now open via the GSV website, so please join us. To inquire about the availability of private rooms, which are available on a limited basis, please call The Mountain office at (828) 526-5838.

So, come—enter into your vulnerability and discover intimacy. Come—stand on your thresholds and listen to how they are calling you deeper into new manifestations of yourself. Come—your siblings and The Mountain await you.

Douglas Argue
GSV 2023 Spring Retreat Convener

Register Now!

GSV 2023 Spring Retreat Post 2

GSV Spring Logo

From Vulnerability to Intimacy: Exploring the Threshold

May 12-14, 2023

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Highlands NC

3 Day/2 Night Package (Friday through Sunday)

Bunk House (shared room up to 4 people): $190.00

Lodge or Duplex Cabin (double occupancy): $220.00

Single Occupancy (private room): $340.00

For All Rooms add Mandatory GSV program fee: $35.00

Register Now!

On the threshold, the entire past and the endless future rush to meet one another.
—Gunilla Norris

Dear Siblings,

I am very excited to be the convener for the Gay Spirit Visions 2023 Spring Retreat and look forward to sharing our experiences of intimacy and vulnerability as we explore the various thresholds we will encounter while moving from vulnerability to deeper intimacy — with ourselves, with each other, and with the Divine.

Our opening time together on Friday evening will honor our GSV traditions, followed by simple, meaningful conversations, and gentle touch; tea and biscuits may even be involved!

On Saturday you will be invited to attend workshops that will offer more exploration of the thresholds we cross as we journey from vulnerability to intimacy. These will include clothed sacred touch, an exploration of Sufi wisdom, a discussion of our shadow selves, and an exploration of how our identity is itself a threshold into deeper intimacy. Finally, there will be an invitation to have a socially nude experience through boundary setting and ritual. On Saturday evening we will share in drumming and camaraderie around our sacred fire.

Throughout the weekend, there will be plenty of unstructured downtime to give you an opportunity to encounter The Mountain and our siblings in whatever way you desire.

Financial assistance, in the form of scholarships, is available. The financial assistance application submission deadline is April 30. Our hope is that anyone who resonates with our mission and community, and who has the desire to attend, can join us at our gatherings. To that end, we offer financial assistance through the Raven Wolfdancer Financial Assistance Fund. Please go to the Financial Assistance page on the Gay Spirit Visions website for more information about financial assistance (scholarships) and for a link to the GSV financial assistance application form. Remember, the financial assistance application submission deadline is April 30.

Registration is now open via the GSV website, so please join us. To inquire about the availability of a private room, which are available on a limited basis, please call The Mountain office at (828) 526-5838.

Come — enter into your vulnerability and discover intimacy. Come — stand on your thresholds and listen to how they are calling you deeper into new manifestations of yourself. Come — your siblings and The Mountain await you. Aho!

Douglas Argue
GSV 2023 Spring Retreat Convener

Register Now!

GSV 2023 Spring Retreat Post 1

GSV Spring Logo

From Vulnerability to Intimacy: Exploring the Threshold

May 12-14, 2023

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Highlands NC

3 Day/2 Night Package (Friday through Sunday)

Bunk House (shared room up to 4 people): $190.00

Lodge or Duplex Cabin (double occupancy): $220.00

Single Occupancy (private room): $340.00

For All Rooms add Mandatory GSV program fee: $35.00

Register Now!

On the threshold, the entire past and the endless future rush to meet one another.
—Gunilla Norris

Dear Siblings,

I have often been intrigued by the line between vulnerability and intimacy — just how vulnerable do I need to be to have authentic intimacy? You are invited to join me at the Gay Spirit Visions 2023 Spring Retreat to explore the various thresholds one can find during the process of moving from vulnerability to intimacy. We will engage with each other to learn more about making our way through our thresholds — “the magnitude or intensity that must be exceeded for a certain reaction, phenomenon, result, or condition to occur or be  manifested” — and enter deeper into vulnerability and intimacy.

Financial assistance, in the form of scholarships, is available. The financial assistance application submission deadline is April 30. Our hope is that anyone who resonates with our mission and community, and who has the desire to attend, can join us at our gatherings. To that end, we offer financial assistance through the Raven Wolfdancer Financial Assistance Fund. Please go to the Financial Assistance page on the Gay Spirit Visions website for more information about financial assistance (scholarships) and for a link to the GSV financial assistance application form. Remember, the financial assistance application submission deadline is April 30.

Registration is now open via the GSV website, so please join us. To inquire about the availability of a private room, which are available on a limited basis, please call The Mountain office at (828) 526-5838.

Douglas Argue
GSV 2023 Spring Retreat Convener

Register Now!

GSV 2023  Winter Meditation:  Updated COVID-19 Requirements

Winter 2023

A Serene Weekend of Kindness

January 13-15, 2023

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Highlands NC

3 Day/2 Night Package (Friday through Sunday)

Bunk House (shared room up to 4 people) $180.00

Lodge or Duplex Cabin (double occupancy) $200.00

Single Occupancy (private room) $320.00

For All Rooms add Mandatory GSV program fee $35

Register Now!


Dear Siblings,

The Mountain beckons you to come, let go, and be in the moment. This weekend will be focused on going within, being one with the stillness of The Mountain in repose, and taking time to be kind to yourself. You are invited to join us for a weekend focused on serenity and kindness.

Among the workshops we will explore is the potential of physical change incurred from spiritual expansion, synching our chakras with one another, the invigoration of deep breath work, and small group discussions around kindness, internal journeys, and circular expansion. We will spend one evening by the fire, in our jammies, sharing inspirational short stories. We are also planning a workshop creating elder beads, and time with meditation stones.

We would like one or two more volunteers who would like to facilitate a workshop in line with the theme, so please let us know. If you are interested, please contact Doug Emerson at [email protected] or Bill Harris at [email protected].

Financial assistance, in the form of scholarships, is available. The financial assistance application submission deadline is December 30. Our hope is that anyone who resonates with our mission and community, and who has the desire to attend, can join us at our gatherings. To that end, we offer financial assistance through the Raven Wolfdancer Financial Assistance Fund. Please go to the Financial Assistance page on the Gay Spirit Visions website for more information about financial assistance (scholarships) and for a link to the GSV financial assistance application form. Remember, the financial assistance application submission deadline is December 30.

To help make this event safe and healthy for everyone attending, you must review and complete the following:

  • You must be up to date with your COVID-19 vaccinations as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (“You are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines if you have completed a COVID-19 vaccine primary series and received the most recent booster dose recommended for you by CDC.”) To attend you must be up to date at least two weeks before the event — on or before Thursday, December 29, 2022.
  • Due to the highly contagious nature of the BA.5 variant, all event participants will need to perform a COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Self-Test and test negative for COVID-19 no more than 24 hours before leaving for the conference. Anyone who tests positive must contact The Mountain to cancel their registration as soon as possible. Failure to do so could result in forfeiture of registration fees.
  • Review the General Liability Waiver document, print it, sign it, and bring it to The Mountain.
  • Review the Notice of Actions Taken document and the COVID-19 Safety Protocols document. These documents describe the various actions taken by The Mountain and Gay Spirit Visions to create a safe and healthy environment.
  • Your signature at check-in will acknowledge that you have read and understood the Notice of Actions Taken document and serve as proof of a COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.

    Registration is now open via the GSV website, so please join us. Register early so that The Mountain will know how many cabins to heat up! Private rooms are available on a limited basis.

    Doug Emerson and Bill Harris,
    GSV 2023 Winter Meditation Co-Conveners

    Register Now!