Annual Gay Spirit Visions conferences.

GSV 2022 Spring Retreat: From Dirt to Dynamic

Spring 2022

From Dirt to Dynamic

May 13 – 15, 2022

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Highlands, NC

3 Day/2 Night Package (Friday through Sunday)

Lodge (shared room) $210.00 plus tax

Cabin (shared room) $210.00 plus tax

Bunk House (shared room up to 4 people) $180.00 plus tax

Register Now

Hello GSV Family!

It is finally here! The Gay Spirit Visions 2022 Spring Retreat is just around the corner and we could not be more excited. The title for the spring retreat this year is From Dirt to Dynamic. First, I want to ask you a couple of questions. Are you able to experience joy in the darkest hours of your life? Do you feel empowered or completely overwhelmed by the world situation? Well, I am here to tell you that joy is available to you in every moment and that you get to decide how the world affects you.

How do we find joy and empowerment in this crazy world full of pain and dismay? I am so glad you asked, because that is exactly what we will be exploring! Are you ready to take the negative from yesterday and use it for growth and expansion? I am too. From within ourselves, we will be utilizing tools and resources that help us change our relationship with the outside. It isn’t about that which is coming at you, it is about how you interpret it. Let’s learn the language of divine joy and start singing the song of peace and fulfillment with the uni-verse (one-song).

Oh, one more thing. I need your assistance! I am looking for workshop leaders with tools and resources that facilitate positive change. Some ideas for these workshops could include, but certainly aren’t limited to:

  • Ho’oponopono — Hawaiian technique of forgiveness and release
  • The Work of Byron Katie
  • Cutting cords
  • Journaling your dream life
  • Breathwork
  • Release through dance or body movement
  • Body work of any kind
  • The power of the mind
  • How emotions fuel our future
  • You and the quantum field

Do you have an idea for a workshop that helps our brothers and siblings to experience positive change? Please let me know by contacting me at
[email protected]. Thank you!

Financial assistance, in the form of scholarships, is available. The financial assistance application submission deadline is April 29. Our hope is that anyone who resonates with our mission and community, and who has a desire to attend, can join us at our gatherings. To that end, we offer financial assistance through the Raven Wolfdancer Financial Assistance Fund. Please go to the Financial Assistance page on the Gay Spirit Visions website for more information about financial assistance (scholarships) and for a link to the GSV financial assistance application form. Remember, the financial assistance application submission deadline is April 29.

Please note! This retreat will fill up quickly. Register today and let us join together and create a whole new world starting with each of us.

Love, Peace, Release,
Pete Cossaboon “Angel Pete”
Convener, GSV 2022 Spring Retreat

PS: I made a video describing the retreat

Last Call—GSV 2022 Winter Meditation: Working with your Locus of Control

2022 Winter Meditation

Working with your Locus of Control

January 14 -16, 2022


Registration Closes Tuesday, January 11

Dear GSV Siblings and Brothers,

There is still time to register for the Gay Spirit Visions 2022 Winter Meditation. Registration closes Tuesday, January 11. Click here to register.

Even though we all ache to be together in person again, we are excited to share through Zoom a powerful, sacred, and heart-connected experience with people all over the world — many of whom could not attend were it an in-person gathering.

In 2021 we focused on resilience and hope. This winter’s gathering will focus on working with our locus of control, connecting more deeply in relationship with self, our perception of self, and sacred cosmos. A locus of control orientation delves into our beliefs about whether the outcomes of our actions are contingent on what we do (internal control orientation) or on events outside our personal control (external control orientation). Note that on Saturday there will be a homework assignment, so you may want to have a lunch pre-prepared at home so you will have more time for both.

We will also have the opportunity to explore our community’s relationship to each of us as individuals and as part of a collective organism. Breathwork, poetry, and dialogue will help us embody and live into these relationships. We have some wonderful speakers and facilitators with us this year, sharing their journeys of hope and reconnection. To go a little deeper into the practice of mindfulness and what our keynote presenter, Darren Main, will offer, you may wish to examine this link:

If you decide to attend, we encourage you to participate as much as possible to create the most powerful experience for you and all others. Remember, every person who comes to the gathering brings just as much as they receive from it! There will also be a designated Zoom room for informal socializing, including during mealtimes, throughout the gathering.

We look forward to seeing you!

The Council of Trusted Elders of Gay Spirit Visions
Conveners of the GSV 2022 Winter Meditation

Register Now

GSV 2022 Winter Meditation

2022 Winter Meditation

Working with your Locus of Control

January 14 -16, 2022


Registration Is Now Open!

Dear GSV Siblings and Brothers,

The 2021 Gay Spirit Visions Fall Conference is now but an exquisite memory, and we are excited to be making excellent progress planning the GSV Winter Meditation, January 14-16, 2022. First, we want you to know that this event will be virtual (online) and not in person. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that the Winter Meditation will be shortly after many of us have gathered in great numbers for the holidays were the primary factors that led us to this decision. While the GSV Fall Conference in September was blessed with good weather allowing for many gatherings outdoors, along with delicious hugs and joyful camaraderie, this is not likely to be the case in January. There will still be scheduled break-out groups — similar to, yet different from traditional small groups — and opportunities for deeper connection outside of the larger group.

Now for the great news. For the 2021 GSV Fall Conference we did not have a keynote speaker, allowing more time for reacquainting with old friends. For GSV’s 2022 Winter Meditation, the GSV Council has engaged Darren Main as keynote speaker. Some of you may remember Darren from the 2011 GSV Fall Conference. Since that initial contact with our organization, Darren expressed the importance of GSV and how critical our work is. Darren is very experienced teaching meditation and yoga (check out his website at and has led many virtual meditation workshops since the COVID-19 pandemic began. We feel that Darren’s unique illuminating gifts will provide a high-quality transformative program for our 2022 Winter Meditation. In addition to the keynote presentation, we invite GSV members to submit ideas for workshops, as we have done in the past. Please submit your workshop ideas to [email protected].

The theme of the Winter Meditation is: Working with your Locus of Control. “A locus of control orientation is a belief about whether the outcomes of our actions are contingent on what we do (internal control orientation) or on events outside our personal control (external control orientation),” explains psychologist Philip Zimbardo in his book Psychology and Life. Additionally, your locus of control can have a major impact on your life, from how you cope with stress to your motivation to take charge of your life. Your locus of control can influence not only how you respond to the events that happen in your life, but also your motivation to take action.

Now for the really great news! Because GSV members have so generously supported GSV through donations and silent auction proceeds for the past 32 years, the GSV Council has decided to waive the program fee for all attendees of the 2022 GSV Winter Meditation. Registration is now open, and it is required. Attendance will be limited to the capacity of our Zoom account (approx. 70). It is with a grateful heart that we bring you this message.

We have worked very hard to sustain our hallowed and delightful traditions during these challenging times. We hope you will register and join us for the GSV Winter Meditation on January 14-16, 2022.

The Council of Trusted Elders of Gay Spirit Visions, Inc.

Register Now

GSV 2022 Winter Meditation

2022 Winter Meditation

Working with your Locus of Control

January 14 -16, 2022


Dear GSV Siblings and Brothers,

The 2021 Gay Spirit Visions Fall Conference is now but an exquisite memory, and we are excited to be making excellent progress planning the GSV Winter Meditation, January 14-16, 2022. First, we want you to know that this event will be virtual (online) and not in person. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that the Winter Meditation will be shortly after many of us have gathered in great numbers for the holidays were the primary factors that led us to this decision. While the GSV Fall Conference in September was blessed with good weather allowing for many gatherings outdoors, along with delicious hugs and joyful camaraderie, this is not likely to be the case in January. There will still be scheduled break-out groups — similar to, yet different from traditional small groups — and opportunities for deeper connection outside of the larger group.

Now for the great news. For the 2021 GSV Fall Conference we did not have a keynote speaker, allowing more time for reacquainting with old friends. For GSV’s 2022 Winter Meditation, the GSV Council has engaged Darren Main as keynote speaker. Some of you may remember Darren from the 2011 GSV Fall Conference. Since that initial contact with our organization, Darren expressed the importance of GSV and how critical our work is. Darren is very experienced teaching meditation and yoga (check out his website at and has led many virtual meditation workshops since the COVID-19 pandemic began. We feel that Darren’s unique illuminating gifts will provide a high-quality transformative program for our 2022 Winter Meditation. In addition to the keynote presentation, we invite GSV members to submit ideas for workshops, as we have done in the past. Please submit your workshop ideas to [email protected].

The theme of the Winter Meditation is: Working with your Locus of Control. “A locus of control orientation is a belief about whether the outcomes of our actions are contingent on what we do (internal control orientation) or on events outside our personal control (external control orientation),” explains psychologist Philip Zimbardo in his book Psychology and Life. Additionally, your locus of control can have a major impact on your life, from how you cope with stress to your motivation to take charge of your life. Your locus of control can influence not only how you respond to the events that happen in your life, but also your motivation to take action.

Now for the really great news! Because GSV members have so generously supported GSV through donations and silent auction proceeds for the past 32 years, the GSV Council has decided to waive the program fee for all attendees of the 2022 GSV Winter Meditation. Registration will open later this month, and it will be required. Attendance will be limited to the capacity of our Zoom account (approx. 70). It is with a grateful heart that we bring you this message.

We have worked very hard to sustain our hallowed and delightful traditions during these challenging times. Watch for our announcement that registration is open. We hope you will register and join us for the GSV Winter Meditation on January 14-16, 2022.


The Council of Trusted Elders of Gay Spirit Visions, Inc.

GSV 2021 Fall Conference – Last Call

GSV 2021 Fall Conference

(Re)Directing Our Energies to Queer Worldmaking

September 23 – 26, 2021

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Highlands, NC

4 Day/3 Night Package (Thursday through Sunday)

Lodge (shared room) $436.26

Cabin (shared room) $404.24

Bunk House (shared room up to 4 people) $372.21

Register Now

Dearest GSV Brothers and Siblings,

The magic of the Fall Conference is coming together, breath by breath, seed by seed, story by story. I have had the honor of speaking with many of our brothers and siblings over the last several months, hearing their laughter and words of excitement for our return to The Mountain. Indeed, our love is buzzing and the hope for sharing hugs is electrifying.

“Everything vibrates. Everything moves. Even when matter appears to be standing still, its atoms are moving. More important, the energy animating it is moving. Similar vibrations gather together.”
—Christopher Penczak

As I promised in my first call, this year’s Fall Conference will be a gathering of both old and new, past and future bridged in the present to reconnect with ourselves and each other in a space we call home.

We will engage in familiar rituals with a sacred fire and our beloved talking stick, weaving our hearts together in circles, small and large. We will revisit workshops of yore, breathing life into memories long since passed and energies needing renewal.

I mean, really. Who doesn’t love a good hands-on enneagram workshop? Or a body-centered performance breakout session? A little art, anyone? Wanna run some energy, or meditate, or exchange a massage? Perhaps do a deeper dive into some tango or tarot? Maybe you’d like to honor our ancestors while directing our energies forward during a Lingam Puja?

Are you also looking for some downtime to talk with one another? Or to “talk” with one another? To listen to each other’s stories in space and time, to feel each other’s energy in breath, intertwined?

Maybe you need a moment at Meditation Rock, or a contemplative pass through the Labyrinth? How about a gaze at the waning gibbous moon from atop the Fire Tower, or perhaps a special rendezvous in the Love Nest?

A dance? A musical soirée? A parade of beauties? A variety show? Let’s not forget some Faery chants.

We are the flow and we are the ebb.
We are the weavers, we are the web.
—We Are The Flow, Shekinah Mountainwater

My questions above serve as winks to what you can expect from our Fall Conference.

What else can you expect? A slightly slower pace—built-in breath breaks and coffee space for us to come and go as we need and as we please, to reconnect and to recharge.

What you can also expect, different from years past, is a memorial ceremony of one of our earliest founders—Ron Lambe. We will take time to honor Ron and his contributions to our tribe. We will breathe in statements from Peter Kendrick and Running Water Farm. We will take in songs and gifts from Ron’s time here on Earth. And we will make space to reflect on our futures with Ron and his guidance from the spiritual realm.

And you can always expect the love and the light of GSV family, shining together and fire-bridging from afar.

I call to you, dearest GSV brothers and siblings, to write up your stories of Ron from over the years. We would like to compile the stories and share them with our Gay Spirit Visions Oral History Project at Georgia State University. And we would like you to share them with us during his memorial ceremony. If you cannot be with us in body, email them to me and I will invite our brothers and siblings to read your stories in your honor.

I also call to each of you who will be coming together on September 23rd to join a working circle. Whether this is your 1st GSV gathering or your 32nd, we welcome your gifts and your energy in transforming The Mountain as our brothers, siblings, and ancestors have done before us.

Financial assistance, in the form of scholarships, is available. The financial assistance application submission deadline is September 9. Our hope is that anyone who resonates with our mission and community, and who has a desire to attend, can join us at our gatherings. To that end, we offer financial assistance through the Raven Wolfdancer Financial Assistance Fund. Please go to the Financial Assistance page on the Gay Spirit Visions website for more information about financial assistance (scholarships) and for a link to the GSV financial assistance application form. Remember, the financial assistance application submission deadline is September 9.

Our time is coming, dearest brothers and siblings. Prepare your long wing feathers and make space to circle around the boundless universe of the queer worlds you wish to create.

Blessed be,
Bumblebee (Greg Hummel)
GSV 2021 Fall Conference Convener
[email protected]

Register Now